The Literary Tea Society
Photo by: Stacy Smith Evans Photography
By the time we hit 2020, I’d finally gained momentum with hosting in person tea events, The Literary Tea Series, and had started to build a community around that. Our events were being highlighted in magazines like TeaTime. I started the year so excited for what it would bring with these events. Well, you know what happened and we don’t need to re-hash it, but those plans imploded.
When the dust cleared, I found some clarity around what the real purpose of starting these events was: I wanted to bring together a group of people around something that they love, while doing something that I love – enjoying tea. So, I could still do that, and I decided that I wanted to expand that beyond just these events but include video blogs, interviews with tea makers, tea bloggers, and more. Thus, the Literary Tea Society was born.
Photo by: Sarah Thayer
Photo by: Stacy Smith Evans Photography
Photo by: Sarah Thayer
I’ve spent a lot of time building out the schedule of events, recording interviews with those tea lovers that I mentioned, and daydreaming on what this community could look like. While there might be costs for events, membership to this little community is free. I can’t wait to share this with you.
Check out the feature of the Jane Austen Garden Tea in Mingle Magazine.