Keeping Calm During This Crazy Time
How’s your “new normal” going? Are you like us where some days you feel like you’re killing it and other days you just need to veg on the couch? We’re all for giving ourselves some grace and taking time to enjoy the little things.
Here’s how we’re keeping sane:
Flowers Found on Sara's Walks
Almost two weeks into working from home, I feel like I’m finally getting a hang of my new routine. I’ve been able to sleep-in for an extra 30 minutes which is much appreciated! Each morning I make my French press coffee and breakfast and watch the news for a bit. Then I turn off the TV and get down to work (most of the time...).
Besides work duties, I’ve also been focused on keeping our house calm and fully stocked. Rob works in Healthcare IT and has literally been working 24-7. I don’t consider myself much of a cook, but I’ve been swapping recipes with friends and family to keep things interesting.
My daily walks around the neighborhood have definitely been a saving grace! Sometimes, this is a 30-minute walk at lunch or maybe just walking to the grocery store and back. Even with some of this weekend’s rainy weather, it felt great to get outside for a bit (and get some steps in!).
My yoga studio, East Side Yoga is offering virtual yoga classes which have been great, not only for the exercise but also to see some friendly faces.
Next up: Crafting...Stay tuned!
Almost two weeks into working from home, I feel like I’m finally getting a hang of my new routine. I’ve been able to sleep-in for an extra 30 minutes which is much appreciated! Each morning I make my French press coffee and breakfast and watch the news for a bit. Then I turn off the TV and get down to work (most of the time...).
Besides work duties, I’ve also been focused on keeping our house calm and fully stocked. Rob works in Healthcare IT and has literally been working 24-7. I don’t consider myself much of a cook, but I’ve been swapping recipes with friends and family to keep things interesting.
My daily walks around the neighborhood have definitely been a saving grace! Sometimes, this is a 30-minute walk at lunch or maybe just walking to the grocery store and back. Even with some of this weekend’s rainy weather, it felt great to get outside for a bit (and get some steps in!).
My yoga studio, East Side Yoga is offering virtual yoga classes which have been great, not only for the exercise but also to see some friendly faces.
Next up: Crafting...Stay tuned!
Jessica's co-worker & roommate, Lucy
The first week stuck in my apartment I admit that I felt a bit depressed. That’s saying a lot because I’m such a homebody. I slowly realized that the cause was that my routine had been decimated. Then one morning I woke up and suddenly all I could see was a time rich with opportunity. I could do the things that I’d been putting off, spend quality time with friends and family via webcam, and to get back to the things that I love.
So, for my sanity I created a new routine, but I made sure to temper that with giving myself some grace if I didn’t feel like do everything. To not slip back into unhealthy workaholic habits I have very specific times when I work and then stop. I take breaks to take a ballet, stretch, or strength class with Lazy Dancer Tips, journal a lot more, and I spend time cooking. I’ve found much joy over the last few days dancing, singing and playing with Lucy while I cook. Lucy, my cockatiel, is confused about why I’m still at home, but he (yes, “he,” it’s a long story), is also enjoying me being around.
Sights from Sara's Walks
More than anything, this time has forced us to slow down. Rob and Nick, Jessica’s brother, like to joke about how the two of us can’t slow down and are always making work for ourselves, and that’s so true, but if there’s any magic in this terrible time, it’s that we’ve had no choice but to step back, take a breather, and cherish the people and the things in our lives that are truly important. We do not take for granted our circumstances, including our ability to do our work from home. We count it with the blessing of being able to do what we love.