Our Daydreams Bride: Sara's Getting Married!


My fiancé Rob and I have bonded over our love of traveling the world, and soon we'll be headed to Europe for some much-needed down time. When we get back, our next adventure will be getting married in the Spring! I've been working in the events industry for ten years now and for the first time, I'm going to be my own client.You might ask about my theme, colors,  or design, but that’s not typically where I start the design process. I think about the experience I want to create and how we and our guests should feel. I want to welcome the people we love into our world and create a space where they can relax and have a good time. I found myself picturing inviting guests into our home, but with an 800 square foot apartment, that was quickly taken off the table 😉.

This might mean creating a wedding that's a bit non-traditional, but that's okay, we’ve never been by-the-book anyways.One of the most challenging parts of the process for us was trimming down our guest list in order to achieve the intimate feel we craved. Though the negotiation process of who to invite was an intense exercise in compromise, by keeping true to what our priorities were for the day, we were able to both get to a place where we felt comfortable with the final list (plus a healthy maybe list!).

Next time I’ll jump into the all-important budget conversation! Stay tuned!GREEN WEDDING

TIP:Save on paper and shipping by sending your save-the-dates electronically. All you really need to do get the date on the calendar, and it's easier to direct your guests to your wedding website. You can always follow up with a beautiful printed invitation later!